Growing Lettuce

Vegetables: Guide to Lettuce

Lettuce comes in every size, texture & flavor. Whatever the variety, it’s packed with nutrition. Lettuce is a great source of vitamin A, C and K as well as calcium, potassium and iron. Another great thing about lettuce is that it’s super easy to grow.

Lettuce is typically a cold weather crop that is planted in the early spring or again in the cool fall weather. Give it some shade from the hot sun and it is possible to grow nearly year-round. These leafy veggies grow quickly and with frequent watering you’ll be out there harvesting with a pair of scissors in no time.

Lettuce Types


The broad, tender leaves of these varieties are sweet with a buttery texture.Buttercrunch Lettuce


Heading or Crisphead

This is the lettuce that is commonly known as iceberg. It grows large with a crunchy texture. Heading lettuce has a high water content and mild flavor.Head Iceberg Lettuce


French Crisp

This is the most hardy of all lettuce types. Packed with nutrients and a low water content, french crisp has a nice, rich flavor. They don’t ship very well, so you’re not going to find these lettuce types in the supermarket.French Crisp Lettuce




There’s a wide range of flavors, colors and shapes within this type. Everything from sweet to mild, red to speckled to bronze.Looseleaf Lettuce


Romaine or Cos

Romaine has long, ribbed centers. It is a juicy and crunchy lettuce with a distinct flavor.Romaine Lettuce